Qabalah of 50 Gates
  • Qabalah of 50 Gates

Qabalah of 50 Gates

20,00 €

Qabalah of 50 Gates delves into the lore of the internal journey of the initiate along the lines of the Yetzirahtic story telling tradition, incorporating symbolism from the mythos-cycle of Golden Dawn Hermetics, Aleister Crowley's 'Thelema' and the mercurial methodology of Gurdjieff.


The work of an old wanderer in Kabbalistic 'wasteland' -- Brother Steven Ashe. This is not an introductory kabbalistic text -- goodness knows there are enough of them in circulation. What follows is an initiate's journey through a particularly obscure and largely unexplored territory; told in the form of a fictional narrative. Well I suggest you cut to the chase now and start enjoying this latter day pilgrim's progress from life to the 'City of the Pyramids'. But for the perplexed I offer a few more words by way of my own personal prolegomena to Steven's eloquent parables and meditations. Whatever the literal meaning of the word 'Kabbalah' it actually denotes the magical tradition within Judaism. For various reasons this secret tradition has exerted a huge influence on Hermetic or Western magick for at least the last 500 years. Since, that is, the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 by the authoritarian Christian monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella. The upshot of the destruction of Jewish centres of learning was the spread of Kabbalistic ideas throughout Europe and the publication of ideas that previously had only been transmitted by word of mouth.Many Kabbalistic ideas are very ancient and formulated in the last few centuries before the dawn of the common era. These important magical ideas were formed in the melting pot which including, Greek magic, gnosticism and concepts from Egypt, Persian and even India.


Steven Ashe
Mandrake of Oxford
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