Kokoelma Sparen kuvittamia tai häneen liittyviä kirjoituksia London Mystery Magazinesta. Mukana myös vähemmän tunnettu Sparen kirjoitus Mind to Mind and How.
Sisältö: Introduction by Frank Letchford; Part I: The Illustrated Articles: Lucifer over london by Lewis Spence; The Horrible Horns by Martin Gardner; The Birth of an Idea by Algernon Blackwood; A Dagger of the Mind by Dorothy Edwards; Part II: New Insight: Beyond Kiã: Inspiration; What’s in a Mind by Kenneth Walker; Mind to Mind by Kenneth Walker; Mind to Mind: But How? by Banesh Hoffmann; How Indeed? by Kenneth Walker; Mind to Mind and How by Zos Vel Thanatos (A.O. Spare); The Mystery of an Artist by Hannen Swaffer.
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