This amazing volume is a compendium of information on the magickal lore of incenses, perfumes, oils, herbs, talismans and candles.
Additionally it contains Qabalistic teachings and meditations, ritual magickal instruction, wiccan rites, and concise astrological data. Originally entitled The Arts Magian, the Magickal Virtues of Candles, Herbs, Incense and Perfumes, this was without a doubt one of the most popular books at the Magickal Childe! Lady Sara writes informatively about the virtues of a great number of herbs. She discusses how to use them for healing and ritual, and includes drawings of the plants for identification purposes. She also treats of the magic of scents and perfumes, listing the planetary attributions and magickal uses of the essential oils and incenses. Her writings on ritual magic present a clear and balanced exposition of all facets of the psychic spectrum, including several important rites for handling power, increasing financial health, and ridding oneself of negativity. In addition she discusses the Qabalistic Middle Pillar exercise and other aura strengthening and cleansing practices. Complete with planetary and zodiacal tables, charts, and delineations of lunar phases, color symbolism, magical seals etc., this book is a truly unique contribution to the magical literature. It has been out of print for some time and this striking new edition has been long awaited.
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