The Litanies of Thoth guides the reader deeply into the mysteries of communication with the Great God Djehuty via rites of divination and above all esoteric prayer. After a discussion on the power and essence of prayer within a mystery tradition, an entire prayer book for the liturgical year is offered to the practitioner of Khemetic/Netjerist Gnosis. Following the modified Coptic calendar (with the Gregorian calendar alongside it) powerful esoteric prayers are given for every day of the year and important holy days and feasts are noted.
In addition, the author introduces various methods of employing the prayers for theurgical and magical purposes and has appended a table of Isopsephy to allow further and deeper exegesis of the mystical texts.
To enable the student to enter an even more comprehensive communication with the deity, various intriguing methods of divination are presented. Amongst them divination by Cowrie shells, Senet sticks as well as a method of ink scrying.
The Litanies of Thoth is the perfect practical armament for the devotee of Thoth seeking empowerment and/or to work the liturgical year to establish a close and meaningful communication with the Great Djehuty by prayer, exegesis and divination.
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