Archaeological Bands from the Finnish Iron Age
• Designs for 56 Iron Age bands
• Illustrations of original archaeological finds
• Completely new tablet-weaving technique discovered
• From tiny finishing bands to spectacular belt bands
Finland has a unique tablet weaving culture dating back a thousand years to the Finnish Iron Age when weavers created incredibly elaborate bands. Thanks to new, thorough research by the authors, these bands and their weaving techniques are now revived for the modern people to admire and to weave.
Tablet weaving has a simple basic principle. A square tablet has a hole in each corner and yarns going through the holes. The threading direction, the colour of the yarns, the direction of the tablets, and the way they are turned – all of them affect the outcome: will the band be beautiful in its simplicity, or impressive in its intricacy.
All the bands in this book are based on archaeological finds from Finland. Tablet-woven treasures buried in the ground a thousand years ago have come alive again.
Data sheet