Dr. Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (1876-1949) was a seminal figure in early twentieth century western esotercism. A Rosicrucian mystic, occultist and healer, Krumm-Heller was a student of Theodor Reuss, ‘Papus’, and Aleister Crowley, amongst others, and worked tirelessly throughout Central and South America opening Rosicrucian lodges of the organization he founded, the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (F.R.A.). Logos Mantram Magic, first published in Spanish in 1930, records Krumm-Heller’s ‘logos’ teachings on mantra, vibration, astral travel and communication with celestial beings. This is the first English translation.
This edition was prepared in Sydney, Australia, by Dr Kumm-Heller’s son, Parsival Krumm-Heller and Stephen J. King, in association with Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) Australia.
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