Introduction by Arther Machen.
Carter is often seen by occultists as little more than an acquaintance of Austin Spare with whom he co-edited Form Magazine, co-wrote the essay Automatic Drawing, and who also wrote the introduction to Spare's Focus of Life. In truth, Carter was a prolific artist, writer, illustrator and translator who worked with publishers such as Fanfrolico Press and great writers such as D H Lawrence.
Carter was also fascinated with the Book of Revelation and studied works such as Bond & Lea's Apostolic Gnosis and William Stirling's The Canon. This is the first volume in a trilogy of his studies and his foundational essay regarding astrology, Revelation and The Dragon in the sky!
The second book in the series, The Dragon of Revelation introduced by DH Lawrence and the third, Revelation contains Carter's previously unpublished play and other essays based on Revelation.